Time Travel: NGC 7331  



NGC 7331
46.000.000 light years

Constellation Pegasus

When astronomers reached further and further into space, observing galaxies ever more distant, they made a curious discovery: The greater the distance that separates us from another galaxy, the faster it moves away from us. What does that mean? Are we in a special place? In the center of the universe?

Nice thought. But then, there is the example of the balloon. If dots are painted onto its surface, and it is further inflated, every dot moves away from every other dot – and might consider itself in the center of the expansion.

So it seems like, again, we are wrong if we believe we are in a privileged place, in the center of the universe. On the other hand – isn’t the earth a priviliged place in any case, supporting so much life?

10 July 2008, Vienna, focal length 1320 mm, f/6.6, exposure time 4x120 seconds