Time Travel: Dumbbell-Nebula  



1360 light years

M27 / NGC6853

When this nebulous spot was discovered in the eighteenth century, Astronomy was in many case a descriptive science, and because this class of objects may have some semblance to the outer planets Uranus and Neptune in a small telescope, they were dubbed ‘Planetary Nebula’.

Actually, the Dumbbell Nebula gives us some insight into the fate of our sun – fortunately still about five billion years in the future. An old star becomes instable and separates from its expanded outer shell, which drifts into space. Only a densely packed core remains intact, gradually fading away, a so called White Dwarf. It is visible here in the center of the nebula, whose shock waves have been expanding for several ten thousand years now.


13 June 2008, Vienna, focal length 1320 mm, f/6.6, exposure time 3x 135 seconds