aussichten: Time Travel  




A look to the night sky is a look backwards in time.

1.3 Seconds

Your memory will hopefully go back this far!



35 Minutes

The duration of a meal - or a long phone call...



26 Years
1983: The Pope rehabilitates Galileo Galilei - AIDS becomes a world wide issue -
Korean Airliner shot down overhead Sachalin



390 Years
Early 17th Century: Thirty Years' War in Europe - The Opera becomes popular as an art form
- The Catholic Church puts Galileo Galilei on trial



440 Years
Late 16th Century: Reformation and Peace of Augsburg - Kopernikus and his heliocentric Universe -
Gregorian Calendar Reform - Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre - Witch trials at their peak in Europe



1350 Years
7th Century: Year 0 of the Islamic Calendar - The Pope resides in Constantinople -
Money bills invented in China



1360 Years
7th Century



1500 Years
6th Century: Hagia Sophia being built in Constantinople -
The fall of the West Roman Empire - Early occurrence of the plague



25000 Years
Upper Paleaolithic or Stone Age: Venus of Willendorf -
Climate changes / Weichsel- and Würm-Ice Age



25000 Years
Upper Paleaolithic or Stone Age



31,000,000 Years
Oligocene: Formation of the Alps and the Rocky Mountains - South America becomes isolated -
Mammals gain ground, but the first hominids arrive 28 million years later



46,000,000 Years
Eocene: Periods of relatively high global temperatures - Laurasia begins to break up




Note: Distance measurements on an astronomical scale, which go well past the Solar System and the immediate neighbourhood of the sun, are in many cases possible with astounding accuracy, but sometimes - also depending on the type of object - controversial.

Different sources may publish different values, but on a bigger scale, there is widespread agreement about the distances of most objects.


last updated on December 19, 2009